Alcone Marketing Group – Consumer Lab

The Consumer Lab is the consumer insights and brand strategy group at Alcone Marketing Group, a consumer activation company.

X Games recruit fans for eco-actions – Environment-

The X games have traditionally attracted a young crowd of dedicated outdoor and extreme sports enthusiasts. These young people are leading the way in environmental responsibility and action. In order to stick with the audience, the X Games have created initiatives to show spectators and participants that they are trying to reduce the tremendous environmental impact of this event. In addition to enviro-friendly materials and recycling, the organization is encouraging spectators to join in the effort.

X Games recruit fans for eco-actions – Environment-

With thousands of people descending upon Buttermilk Mountain for this weekend’s Winter X Games, there’s undoubtedly going to be some kind of environmental impact. Organizers are doing their best to make it as small as possible, limiting the event’s carbon footprint through a program called X Games Environmentality.

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Filed under: eco-friendly, environment, extreme sports, sports

Skateboarding Rolls Out of the Suburbs

Skateboarding has gained mainstream appeal in recent years. Skateboarders, once seen as a counterculture, are now some of the coolest kids out there. You could likely point the growth in popularity to the ESPN X Games, the explosion of the Tony Hawk brand as well as MTV reality shows featuring up and coming skaters.
The face of the skater is changing. Those closely watching the industry have pointed out that skaters are no longer just suburban white kids, but has now become more diverse.

Skateboarding Rolls Out of the Suburbs – New York Times

IT was late afternoon when the young skaters gathered in front of the Brooklyn Museum on Eastern Parkway. Weaving among the commuters who trudged from a nearby subway station, the skaters hurdled steps, slid along curbs and kick-flipped their boards into the air. With a few exceptions, their performances fell somewhere between outright beginner and advanced novice. But it wasn’t their ability or the lack of it that made this group notable, it was the composition: most of the skaters were black.

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Filed under: extreme sports, sports, Teens, Young Adults

Double Trouble: Twin Skateboarding Sensations

These skateboarding twins are a big hit with tweens. Big companies are taking notice and hoping to grab the up-and-comers before they get too hot.

Making sure a brand’s spokesperson or endorsee is right for the brand and the target consumers is really important. If consumers think it’s a forced or forged partnership the brand will surely feel the effect.


ABC News: Skateboarding’s Stars: 9-Year-Old Twins
Skateboarding is all about big moves, big risks and big air. But one thing you will notice about some of the extreme sport’s newest big stars is that they’re not very big at all. In fact, they’re 9 years old.

Occasionally 9-year-old twins Nic and Tristan Puehse behave like your
average kids, but of course your average kids are not backed by some of
the world’s most recognizable companies, including Sony, Gatorade and

Nic and Tristan aren’t sure why all these companies sponsor
them. The “why” has everything to do with the booming sport of
skateboarding and the booming $5 billion business of skateboarding. One
market research firm estimates about 12 million American teens now
skateboard; that’s more than play baseball.

Filed under: extreme sports, Tastemakers, Teens, Tweens, WOM


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